1.研究方向 (1)大气污染控制化学; (2)环境催化; 2.科研项目(国家级、省部级): (1)山西浙大新材料与化工研究院技术开发项目(2021SX-TD007),“煤化工(焦化)挥发性有机物(VOCs)管控关键材料和技术开发”,2021/09-2024/08,45万元,参加。 (2)山西省科学技术厅,中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(YDZJSX2021B006),“煤焦化挥发性有机物(VOCs)管控关键材料与技术开发”,2019/08-2024/08,90万元,参加。 (3)山西省科学技术厅,山西省基础研究计划自由探索类项目(RD2300002191),“酸修饰Pt/CeTiOx抗硫催化剂构筑及其VOCs催化氧化性能研究”,2022/10-2025/10,9万元,参加。 3.代表性论文 (限5篇,时间倒序) (1)Jiancai Hou, Jiangliang Hu, Liping Chang,et al. Synergistic effects between highly dispersed CuOx and the surface Cu-[Ox]-Ce structure on the catalysis of benzene combustion[J]. Journal of Catalysis, 2022, 408: 9-23. (2)Jiancai Hou, Jiangliang Hu, Weiren Bao, et al. Effects of Ti modified CeCu mixed oxides on the catalytic performance and SO2 resistance towards benzene combustion[J]. Catalysis Communications, 2023, 174: 106596. (3)Jiancai Hou, Jiangliang Hu, Xinmin Cui, et al. Specific roles of lattice oxygen and asymmetric interface Cu-[Ox]-Ce structure-relating chemisorbed oxygen over CuO/CeO2 on the catalysis of benzene combustion[J]. Fuel, 2024, 368: 131497.